The Eastern Revolutionary Platform’s strategy to sub-divide political responsibility for Political mobilisation based on regions. The opposition parties’ campaign in their respective sub-regions is an approach aimed at consolidating local support to challenge the ruling NRM party’s dominance. The point is to decentralize political mobilisation based on sub-regions since the leading opposition party (NUP) has…

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From just a concluded NUP changes in the parliament, it has finally shown the cold war that has been ongoing for months in 2023 as Mpuuga worked tirelessly for his demotion as LOP. God answered the old man’s cry, and our learned friend and the legendary George Kanyehumba let out a verbal statement that made rounds…

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ANTI-GAYS LAW: Bobi’s Vague Position Turns Into Bobi’s Massive Nightmare

Bobi Wine’s vague position in regards to the live-wire Uganda’s Anti-gays law, has turned into one of the politician’s huge nightmares as well as embarrassment for the National Unity Platform’s Principal. Following the Uganda National Assembly’s enactment of the said law and President Yoweri Museveni’s assent to it, Bobi Wine followed suit, saying things that…

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